Lower School Curriculum

Lower School Curriculum: Grades 1 – 5

The elementary school program at Nur-Ul-Islam Academy begins from first grade and continues until the fifth grade.

At this phase of their lives, students represent an innocence of mind, awaiting for training and knowledge to develop their character and perception of life. This is a very impressionable and malleable stage where, if given logic and reasoning as a basis for thinking, it can transcend into good habits and discipline. Thus, the success of the program at this level is not merely assessed on the retention of information, but more importantly, the establishment of a foundation that will serve as the basis for more extended and critical integration of information and values data in the secondary and tertiary years of their lives.

The curriculum of the elementary program is comprised of the following courses:

  • Language Arts
  • Mathematics
  • Science/Health
  • Social Studies
  • Islamic Studies/Quran
  • Computers
  • Arabic (Foreign Language)
  • Physical Education

These courses allow the students to expand their knowledge of society and the world at large, and to appreciate the contributions of all people, while awakening their own potential to assist in this universal endeavor. The teachers, along with the parents, work to ensure that basic study-skills and the requisite foundation are developed to ensure a life-long commitment to education.

Language Arts:

This program at the elementary level exposes students to reading, writing, grammar, spelling, and vocabulary. Concentration is on the initial development of spoken language skills with special emphasis on phonics. Reading curriculum is introduced as the main course of study. It is a comprehensive reading curriculum, which integrates reading comprehension, phonics, spelling, grammar, penmanship, and writing skills. Each teacher has been appropriately trained in the use of the curriculum to achieve maximum results from the students. Students are encouraged to improve their reading skills through daily practice. Students keep track of their reading using the “Book It” program Reading Logs, and are awarded vouchers for reading a recommended amount. Reading comprehension skills are developed using the SRA remedial reading program. The Trophies Challenge Level is utilized for students who are performing at advanced levels. Each classroom receives grade level Weekly readers, which improve the reading, reading comprehension, and critical thinking skills of the students using topics that are entertaining and educational. This magazine allows students to keep abreast of current issues. Students are tested each term using the STAR reading diagnostic. The results from these tests are used to develop individual lesson plans, which address the student’s needs. Students are also encouraged to develop their creativity, and to express themselves through the annual Student Treasure Writing Program. Through this program, students are able to write and publish their work. Students lay a foundation for self-critique and reflection through Journal Writing. Writing is integrated across the curriculum.


The mathematics program is designed to motivate students and allow them to have a command of basic mathematical concepts and arithmetic. Students are also taught how to apply math to solve problems in their lives and the world around them. Vast arrays of materials for hands-on instruction are available for all elementary teachers and students. Special attention is given to meet both the Florida State and NCTM standards. The curriculum allows for integration of Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, and Technology skills. Students receive daily preparation for standardized test through the FCAT daily practice and SAT practice. This daily practice helps to improve the comprehension, problem solving and mental math skills of the students. Students are challenged with the Math Superstar, which provides the extra challenge that self-motivated students need in mathematics. It also helps in building problem solving skills.


The science program at this level allows our students to become aware of their surroundings by observing, exploring, and investigating. With this awareness they are better equipped to appreciate the omnipotence of God. The curriculum is used to invite students to explore real-life situations and to think about real-world challenge using hands on activities. The approach used throughout this curriculum allows for the needs of all students of multiple intelligences.

Art integration is used to meet the needs of Visual learners; writing and reading are used to meet the needs of Linguistic learners. Physical activities are used to address the needs of the kinesthetic learners. The Science curriculum is closely linked to the Health Curriculum. Students are often able to revisit a topic, which helps to reinforce important ideas and concepts. The Health curriculum also covers daily life skills topics such as brushing teeth, and eating healthy foods.

Social Studies:

The social studies program allows students to understand their environment and surroundings. The initial focus is on family, school, neighborhood, and their immediate ever-changing world. Later emphasis is on history, geography, economics, citizenship, and the humanities. Teachers also emphasize the Islamic perspective of social interaction of people and the mutual respect that is required of everyone to ensure the progress of society at large. The use of this curriculum allows for easy integration and cross-curricular planning for all the subjects. Topics covered in the social studies curriculum can be reinforced with concepts in mathematics, language arts, and science. The curriculum provides advanced books that are used for developing the reading comprehension skills of the students. Audiocassettes are provided and can be used to enhance the lesson plan meeting the needs of different learning styles. Hands on projects and are used to emphasize the lesson and give the students the opportunity to explore social studies outside the classroom. The curriculum also integrates geography and map skills.

Grades 1- 5 Enrichment Courses:

Nur-Ul- Islam Academy offers students a great selection of specialized classes during and after regular school hours.

Computers are offered twice a week in the state-of-the-art computer lab. Learning with Computers, a K-5 textbook series, is used. This text is based on a developed scope and sequence designed to teach students about computers, software applications, and keyboarding. It also integrates computer instruction with language arts, math, science, social studies, health, music, and art. Students receive training in Microsoft Word, Excel, and Power Point. Students are able to follow along with the teacher while he demonstrates on the class overhead projector that is connected directly to his computer.

Arabic and Islamic Studies are allotted four sessions per week for each subject in elementary school. A textbook series “Easy Steps to Arabic” by Dr. Abdul Raheem is introduced in elementary school. This series focuses on spoken language, grammar, and vocabulary. Teachers also use various multi-media resources to reinforce information taught. Instructors attend regular workshops to enhance their skills. They are also introduced to new technology and teaching strategies, which are incorporated into the classroom. CDs and songs are used to appeal to students who are auditory and visual learners. The computer programs facilitate student learning using interactive and visually-stimulating media. Each student has his or her own books in both Arabic and Islamic studies.

In addition, we have increased the resources for these subjects in the school’s library. Students are expected to memorize the 30th chapter of the Holy Quran by the end of the elementary school program.

The Physical Education program has been improved. Each class now attends four periods per week for physical education. Students participate in a structured program, and receive a grade for ability and participation. A physical education program has been developed that meets the Sunshine State Standards, teaches sports skills, and health-related fitness.