NUIA’s Thunderbolts Energize the Court
The NUIA basketball team had an exciting year. They closed out the season 3 wins, 3 losses. They made it all the way to the playoff where they were stopped by Edison Private School. Though the year ended for the NUIA Thunderbolts, they showed teamwork, persistence, and a real joy for the game. Power forward Mohamed Hatab was essential to many of our wins. Abdallah Najjar and Jubair Kamal made a dynamic duo who worked well together and made a real difference on the court.
Under the guidance of Coach Pelt, the team averaged 40 points a game points in their 3 home and 3 away games. We know the team is going to work hard during the off-season and will come back stronger than ever. We look forward to another fantastic season, come January 2017. Middle school basketball is scheduled to begin their 10 game season on March 29, 2016.