The nine Members constitute the Board of Directors of Nur- Ul- Islam Academy Incorporated (NUIA).
Appointment 9-member to the Board of Directors for governing Nur-Ul-Islam Academy Inc. shall be:
The Board of Directors shall appoint a Director for a period of three years. When a vacancy arises, replacement shall be for remaining period in tenure of the outgoing Director.
Within seven (7) days of appointment of a Director, the Board shall notify the Executive Council of Nur-Ul-Islam of South Florida, Inc. of the name, credentials and tenure of the Director.
- The Board of Directors shall forward a written proposal including name and credentials of the nominee to the Executive Council of Nur-Ul-Islam of South Florida, Inc. The opinion Nur-Ul-Islam of South Florida Inc. must be communicated to NUIA.
- In event of a disagreement on the appointment between NUIA and NUI, the parties may request arbitration by Board of Trustees of Nur- Ul- Islam of South Florida. In such situation, Trustees’ decision shall be binding.
TERMINATION OF DIRECTORSDirector services terminate for the occurrence of:
- The resignation of the Director; or by
- Dismissal by majority vote of members of the Board f Directors; or by
- Dismissal by majority votes of the Executive Council of Nur-Ul-Islam of South Florida, Inc.; and / or by separate dismissal by majority votes of the Board of Trustees of Nur-Ul-Islam of South Florida Inc.
- No more than three (3) Directors may be dismissed in any twelve-month period.
- The reasons for such dismissal may include, but not be limited to:
- Falling short of performance requirements, or
- Violating Board directive or policy, or
- Violating any provision (s) of the Corporation’s Constitution
The Board of Directors:
- Shall be guided by the provisions contained in Qur’an and Sunnah and by State and Federal Laws and by the provisions herein.
- Shall set the Corporation’s policies and shall convey such policies to the Executive Council and Board of Trustees of Nur-Ul-Islam of South Florida, Inc.
- Shall set objectives derived from said policies and shall put in place procedures to monitor performance relating to the achievement of objectives.
- Shall be accountable to Nur-Ul-Islam of South Florida, Inc
- Shall have the Corporation’s accounts reviewed or audited annually by an independent Certified Public Accountant (CPA).
- Shall manage the affairs of the Corporation in accordance with this Constitution.
- May enter into agreements with Nur-Ul-Islam of South Florida, Inc, or other entities or persons providing such agreements support or are in pursuance of the purpose of the Corporation as stipulated in Article 3 herein.
- Shall hold meetings with the Corporation’s Officers or with Nur-Ul-Islam of South Florida, Inc or with other entities or persons as considered to be in the interest of the Corporation.
- Shall submit Annual Financial Statements to Nur-Ul-Islam of South Florida Inc.
- May establish Working Committees or assign work to individuals to assist with the duties within the purview of the Board of Directors.
- Shall review and approve Annual Budgets before expenditures are effected.
- Shall approve payments outside the approved budget and beyond the authority of the President.
- Shall establish terms of reference, limits of authority and guidelines pertaining to the Officers of the Corporation.
- Shall approve codes of conduct, disciplinary procedures, dress codes, curricula, fees, and other rules and procedures and features of the Corporation’s operations.
- Shall hold Annual General Meetings with-the Officers of the Corporation together with the Executive Council, the Board of
- Trustees, the Imam and the Deputy Imam of Nur Ul Islam of South Florida, Inc in October of each year. (Other Special General Meetings may be summoned by the Board of Directors of the Corporation or by the Executive Council or by the Board of Trustees of Nur Ul Islam of South Florida, Inc).

Dr. Husman Khan, Chairman
I am extremely confident that you will all agree that the Nur-Ul-Islam Academy has had another successful year. This year we continued the expansion of the Academy in order to provide better facilities and a higher quality of education to our students. Having graduated students directly into some of the finest institutions across the State, I am extremely confident that you will all agree that the Nur-Ul-Islam Academy has had another successful year. This year we continued the expansion of the Academy in order to provide better facilities and a higher quality of education to our students. Having graduated students directly into some of the finest institutions across the State, the Academy has acquired a good track record and has established a reputation for academic excellence. The years of planning and development are over and the Academy is fully accredited with a comprehensive academic program from preschool through high school.
Over the years, the Academy has been fortunate to have a group of committed and dedicated brothers and sisters who worked extremely hard to bring this school to this phase of its development.
I would be remiss, if I did not make special mention of our dear benefactors and past directors, Brothers Yusuf Mohamed, Asad Ishoof, Ihteshamur Rahman, Sh. Hasan Sabri and the late Mufti Mustafizul Hasan who devoted several years to establishing and developing the Academy into an excellent educational institution. I pray that Allah bless them and their families and all those who supported this worthy cause.
I would also like to express our appreciation to our parents, staff and faculty, and all members of the Islamic community for their indefatigable efforts and hard work. Without Allah’s help and their support we could not have achieved the high degree of academic excellence.
As we look forward, I see the Academy producing the next generation of leaders with the academic, moral, and spiritual qualities needed to foster good will among all our citizens and to project Islam in its true image as a religion of peace.
Once again, on behalf of my fellow Directors, Brother Dean El-Dannaoui, Brother Saif Ishoof, Dr. Moiez Tapia, Dr Latif Jangda, Br. Khalid Mirza, Sister Judy Mohamed, Brother Allan Baksh, and our Vice Chair, Brother Ashraf Amdani, I congratulate all of you and extend our sincere appreciation to our President, Dr. Kem Hussain and his team for their service to the Nur-Ul-Islam Academy.
May Allah bless all of us.