Lower (PK-5)
NUIA’s lower school consists of the following: Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 5. Our lower school’s academic program is varied and rich. It sets the stage for future success, both academically and socially. Our lower school program fosters mastery of skills, independence, overall cognitive and social growth within an Islamic environment. Read More >>
Pre-K Curriculum
Since the pre-kindergarten setting represents the child’s first experience in a structured classroom environment, the pre-kindergarten program of Nur-Ul- Islam Academy is designed to provide an environment, which is comfortable, safe, and supportive of the developmental needs of each child. More emphasis is placed on the experience rather than mastery of skills, and on providing a sense of security while encouraging independence and group socialization. It also assists parents/guardians in the spiritual, physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development of their children. The program facilitates a smooth transition from home into a more structured learning environment.
Kindergarten Curriculum
The Kindergarten program is intentionally designed to be a transitional period from play as learning and the experiential atmosphere of the preschool programs to the more traditional academic climate of first grade. As a bridge between these two, Kindergarten incorporates elements of each. The program strives to maintain a curriculum that is developmentally appropriate. Each teacher has been appropriately trained in the use of the curriculum to achieve maximum results from the students. The program encourages students to improve their reading skills through daily practice. Students keep track of their reading using the “Book It” Reading Logs, and are awarded with pizza coupons for reading a recommended amount. Each class room receives grade level Weekly Readers, which improve the reading, reading comprehension, and critical thinking skills of the students using topics that are entertaining for the children and allow students to stay abreast of current issues.
Lower School Curriculum: Grades 1 – 5
The elementary school program at Nur-Ul-Islam Academy begins from first grade and continues until the fifth grade. At this phase of their lives, students represent an innocence of mind, awaiting for training and knowledge to develop their character and perception of life. This is a very impressionable and malleable stage where, if given logic and reasoning as a basis for thinking, it can transcend into good habits and discipline. Thus, the success of the program at this level is not merely assessed on the retention of information, but more importantly, the establishment of a foundation that will serve as the basis for more extended and critical integration of information and values data in the secondary and tertiary years of their lives.
Enrichment Courses
Computers, Arabic, Islamic Studies and Quran, Library Science, and Physical Education round up NUR-UL-ISLAM ACADEMY’s enrichment courses and are meant to offer students an opportunity to pursue academic interests beyond their core curriculum.